Geosteering and Formation Evaluation Workshop by NORCE and NFES 2024
Start preparing your abstract for the Geosteering Workshop by NORCE and NFES: November 11-13. Stavanger, Norway.

NFES Full day formation evaluation seminar 2023
All exsiting and new members are invited to a non-commercial full day formation evaluation seminar at Solastranden Gård.

Geosteering and Formation Evaluation Workshop by NORCE and NFES
Welcome to the Geosteering Workshop by NORCE and NFES: 1-2 November, 2022. Stavanger, Norway.

SPWLA 63rd Annual Symposium
We are excited to host all our members and friends of SPWLA in Scandinavia June 10th – 15th 2022, bringing our global technical community close together in the friendly Norwegian energy capital.