Schedule for NFES Full-Day Seminar, November 1, 2023

To the event announcement

The Norwegian Formation Evaluation Society, a chapter of SPWLA is pleased to invite you to a non-commercial NFES Full-Day Seminar held at Solastranden Gård.

Solastranden Gård, November 1, 2023

08:30 Doors open, Registration
09:00 Opening
09:10 - 10:40 New logging 09:10: Marta Prymak-Moyle (Equinor ASA) et al.: The Evolution of UDAR Technologies for Risk Mitigation in Geostopping Applications (abstract)
09:40: Karol Riofrio (Halliburton) et al.: Successful Geostopping Using a Recently Developed LWD Look-ahead Ultra-deep EM Resistivity Tool (abstract)
10:10: Sven S. Gundersen (Repsol Norge) et al.: Multi-scale Reservoir Characterization using LWD Technologies for Informed Operational Decisions, Yme Field, Norway (abstract)
10:40 Break
11:00 - 12:00 CO2 storage 11:00: Geoffrey Page (Baker Hughes) et al.: Monitoring and Appraisal of Carbon Dioxide Saturation from Multi-Detector Pulsed-Neutron Characterization and Modelling (abstract)
11:30: Peter von Schultzendorff (Universitetet i Bergen) et al.: A machine learned near-well model in OPM (abstract)
12:00 Lunch
12:55 A few words from Mathias Horstmann, SPWLA Director Europe
13:00 - 14:30 Digitalization, AI 13:00: Kjetil Westeng (Aker BP) et al.: Tomorrow's Petrophysics: Blending Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Human Insight (abstract)
13:30: Alexandra Cely (Equinor ASA) et al.: Reservoir Fluid Typing from Standard Mud Gas - A Machine Learning Approach (abstract)
14:00: Alvaro Munnoz-Beltran (Stratum Reservoir) et al.: X-Ray CT 3D virtual plugging (abstract)
14:30 Break
14:50 - 15:50 Digitalization, AI 14:50: Egil Boye Petersen (Aker BP): The importance of structuring and digitizing Rock and Fluid data to improving subsurface analysis and modelling workflows (abstract)
15:20: Frode Ungar (Equinor ASA) et al.: Improved Reservoir Fluid Estimation for Prospect Evaluation Using Mud Gas Data (abstract)
15:50 Closing remarks (Dler Mirza, NFES President)
16:00 End of Seminar

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