About - NFES (an SPWLA chapter)


TeXt Theme

TeXt is a super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, documentation, etc. Similar to iOS 11 style, it has large and prominent titles, round buttons and cards.

(() => console.log('Hello, World!'))();



TeXt has 6 built-in skins, you can also set up your own skin.

default dark forest
Default Dark Forest
ocean chocolate orange
Ocean Chocolate Orange

Highlight Theme

TeXt use Tomorrow as the highlight theme.

tomorrow tomorrow-night tomorrow-night-eighties tomorrow-night-blue tomorrow-night-bright
Tomorrow Tomorrow Night Tomorrow Night Eighties Tomorrow Night Blue Tomorrow Night Bright

We organise meeting about formation evaluation every month

The Next Stavanger Monthly Technical Meeting

will be at 11:00 on Wednesday, March 5 at Solastranden Gård.

Title: CCUS from emitter to storage – where are we and what do we need (Charlie August, Baker Hughes)

Read the abstract!