Rock Physics in Complex Mineralogy: A Comparison of Shear Wave Prediction Models for Rock Physics (Erik Alvarez and Jonathan Hall of Senergy Ltd.) presentation Feb 04, 2009 was presented 2009-02-04 PREVIOUSPore Pressure Profile Modelling - for exploration prospectivity and well planning. (Skulduggery or Science ?) (Ray Pratt – Nexen (presenter), Tim Herrett – Rose Trent, Peter Stone – Rose Trent.)NEXTThe Accurate Evaluation of 3-Phase Fluid Saturations in Cased Wellbores: A New Methodology Applied To the Algyo Field, Hungary (Saloua Tiar (Baker Atlas) – (presenter), Veronica Pipics, Ilona Vegane (MOL), Roberto Nardiello, Fabio Brambilla)