Transforming Reservoir Mapping Through Advanced 3D Visualizations of the New Flexible Inversion Data Format (Xuandong Wang, Baker Hughes)


Xuandong Wang from Baker Hughes


David Holbrough, Tom Bradley, Arnt Veenstra, Gleb Dyatlov and Hamid Karimi, Baker Hughes


In the constantly evolving landscape of 3D reservoir mapping and visualization, a new Advanced Borehole eXchange (ABX) data format emerges as a transformative format to redefine the way we visualize and interpret resistivity inversion datasets derived from deep and ultra-deep azimuthal resistivity (DAR and UDAR) logging while drilling technologies. The inversion algorithms utilized to interpret the hundreds of measurements from DAR and UDAR tools now generate a dense dataset of resistivity values in a large volume around the wellbore with a radius that can be measured from ten to close to 100 hundred meters. This can now be integrated with ae dynamic Depth of Detection (DOD) to enhance the inversion visualization, and improve confidence in the sensitivity of the UDAR data to remotely mapped boundaries.

This paper conducts a comprehensive comparison between the traditional 2D inversion display and the groundbreaking ABX 3D display. It explores the extensive capabilities of ABX and its profound influence on advancing the field of 3D reservoir mapping.

The visualization and analysis techniques have been built into existing sub surface modelling applications. Use has been made of established data formats including point sets, SEG-Y and Grids. This seamless incorporation ensures a smooth transition and compatibility. The ability to move between industry accepted formats allows for the application of various different techniques from auto surface picking in SEG-Y format to geometry analysis utilizing the grid format. All the time retaining the original full set of multiple properties within the original ABX format.

Larger, and ever more complex data sets (based on 1D,2D and 3D inversions) derived from deep and ultra deep resistivity tools can be imported, processed, visualized, and analyzed in multiple ways. The outputs reveal geological and petroleum engineering insights of the subsurface. These findings contribute to the refinement of local, regional, and full-field models, enabling enhanced reservoir management.

While our progress has been remarkable, further work is essential to optimize methodologies, especially concerning geological uncertainties in the outputs. These are important for end users to understand upsides and risks inherent in the interpretations from the latest types of data. There is also a need to standardize on data types in use so that data exchange is facilitated, potentially through a new OSDU standard for wellbore related data.


Xuandong Wang has been a geoscientist, geosteering engineer, and technical support engineer with 14 years of geosteering-related experience in different countries. He is currently Product Owner for JewelSuite Reservoir Navigation Services, a 3D geosteering visualization and advanced analysis geosteering software used in Baker Hughes.