Seismic LWD: Real-time lookahead VSP while drilling (Neil R. Kelsall, SLB)

The presentation “Seismic LWD: Real-time lookahead VSP while drilling” will be given by Neil R. Kelsall, from SLB.


Seismic While Drilling with LWD technology has now been in commercial use globally for 20 years! Over this time there have been many lessons learnt in how to acquire data, that requires low acoustic noise levels, during a drilling operation. This talk describes how seismic LWD works and the challenges faced for different applications and explains how they have been overcome to provide a reliable and efficient Real-Time look-ahead while drilling technique.


Neil Kelsall is a Geophysics Domain Champion for SLB Well Construction. Neil spent 7 years in the Aircraft industry prior to joining SLB in 1998 as a Seismic Engineer splitting his time offshore as an Acquisition Engineer and in Gatwick UK as part of a Marine Data Processing team. In 2002 Neil joined Drilling & Measurements in the USA (Gulf of Mexico) to field test a new seismic LWD service, spending 4 years offshore before becoming a Domain Champion. From 2007 - 2019 he supported the service in Europe, Scandinavia, Africa, and N & S America. Currently he supports the service globally. He has 3 inventor patents and 10 years of publications.