Barrier Verification via Acoustic Leak Off Test - Rigless P&A (Remke Ellis, TGT)

The presentation ”Barrier Verification via Acoustic Leak Off Test - Rigless P&A” will be given by Remke Ellis, from TGT.


Barrier integrity for P&A can be verified using several different tools and methods. A direct way to verify a barrier is to conduct a pressure test. These tests are time consuming for conclusive barrier verification, and there are multiple causes for failure. This presentation focuses on use of Spectral Acoustics in conjunction with pressure test to rapidly verify the integrity of annular barriers (cement/formation) and identity the reason(s) of failure. This method does not require pulling of tubing and can be carried out Rigless.


Remke Ellis is from Aberdeen and has academic background in Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering. In 2012 he began working in oil industry with principle roles in Reservoir and Production engineering. In early 2016 he joined TGT UK as Reservoir Engineering Domain Champion. By the end of 2017 he switched to supporting TGT operations across Africa. He is now based permanently in Stavanger as Domain Champion supporting all Norway operations.