Water Pressure Measurement Inside a Hydrocarbon Column (Trond Rolfsvåg, Hydrophillic)

Water Pressure Measurement Inside a Hydrocarbon Column

by Trond Rolfsvåg, Hydrophillic

was presented on Wednesday the 9 th of January, 2019.


This presentation will explain how it is possible to measure water pressure inside an oil reservoir with a hydrophilic probe, and how to use this pressure to estimate the distance to the oil/water contact.

The pressure difference between oil and water can also provide information about invasion of water into a reservoir segment long before anything can be seen on a saturation log.

The presentation will also give some details on how the hydrophilic probe works, share fresh results from the lab and show the conceptual design of a wire-line tool capable of performing the measurement in an open hole discovery well.


Trond Rolfsvåg, has a Master’s degree in Petroleum Technology from University of Stavanger. He has worked with IOR related research (NORCE), but most of the 30 year career as a reservoir engineer in Equinor (5 years) and ConocoPhillips (20 years). Mentoring less experienced RE’s, and monitoring R&D project has always been an important part of the various assignments. He has developed a technology for finding the oil/water contact without drilling through it in 2015. Left ConocoPhillips in 2016 and established Hydrophilic AS in 2016.