Evolving Petrophysics of the Overburden: A Spectroscopy Approach (Harish B. Datir, Schlumberger)

Evolving Petrophysics of the Overburden: A Spectroscopy Approach

by Harish B. Datir, Schlumberger

was presented on the 6 th of January 2016.


The Greater Ekofisk area produces from naturally fractured chalk reservoirs in the North Sea. While knowledge of the reservoir itself is essential, it is equally important to have a thorough characterization of the overburden that lies above. Continuous measurements with high vertical resolution are required to address numerous challenges for drilling, completions, sustainable production, and abandonment operations-narrow drilling windows, wellbore stability, compaction, subsidence, fault reactivation, and fluid containment-that increase costs and reduce well life. Previously integrated core studies, acoustic measurements, seismic surveys, and well logs document complex mineralogy: mixed clays, quartz, feldspars, carbonates, and iron-rich heavy minerals. In addition, these highly porous overburden shales contain a variable amount of organic matter and naturally occurring free-gas volumes.

The presentation was originally given at the SPWLA 2015, conference paper HHH.

Harish B. Datir, CV

Harish B. Datir is a Senior Petrophysicist currently working for Schlumberger SIS Data Services based in Stavanger, Norway. He joined Schlumberger in 2007 as a wireline field engineer and later moved into PetroTechnical Services as a Petrophysicist. He worked in Middle East for 4 years, and for the past 4 years he has been working in the North Sea. He has a BS degree in applied geology and a Master’s degree in applied geophysics (2007) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. His work focuses on developing integrated petrophysical answer products and improving the existing ones in support of Schlumberger petrophysical tools.

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